Most issues may not have a direct solution and this is where living a holistic lifestyle has its advantages. A person who lives a holistic lifestyle chooses to find complete balance instead of dwelling on physical symptoms. Balancing the mind, body, and soul alike can help tackle skin issues more effectively than ingredients alone.
The Importance of Protein
Protein is essential for overall health. It is used by every cell to help perform necessary bodily functions. Protein is broken down into amino acids which are then distributed to the blood. The blood distributes nutrients to the body’s tissues, hormones, enzymes, blood cells and antibodies. Collagen, responsible for firmness is one skin essential made of protein. Without protein there would also be no DNA, blood, muscle, tissue, keratin, or enzymes. It is very important to consume enough protein to feed all necessary cells.
When a person doesn’t consume enough protein they may experience:
- Puffy eyes
- Thin nails
- Water retention
- Damaged hair
- Anemia
- Low ability to fight infection
- Unhealthy organs
The average adult should consume sixty to one hundred grams of protein, assuming body weight falls between 130 and 225 pounds.
There are many foods that contain protein but these foods are most beneficial:
- Animal meat
- Fish
- Eggs
- Beans
- Nuts
- Grains
- Dairy
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Carbohydrates, or carbs help supply the body with energy. They break down the body’s sugars and deliver them to cells. When combined with cells carbohydrates use protein to create water binding substances beneficial for the skin. Glucose is a protein that helps prevent hypoglycemia. If glucose is absent, the body can develop diabetes. Without the energy provided by carbs the skin’s cells would have no energy to function.
A carbohydrate deficiency can result in:
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Inability to heal wounds
- Inability to fight infection
Carbs can be obtained sugars, starches and fibers. Foods that are carbohydrate rich include:
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Bread
- Grains
- Cereal
- Rice
- Pasta
Fat may have a negative connotation, but they are essential for the skin’s health. Fat is used as energy and can help regulate body temperature. The body uses fat to make hormones which as discussed earlier are essential for healthy skin. Fats also help absorb vitamins and assist in creating cells.
If the body isn’t getting enough fat these issues like these can occur:
- Dry skin
- Vision problems
- Inability to fight infection
- Issues with bone development
The average adult should consume at least fifteen per cent of the day’s calories from fat. Good effective sources of fat include:
- Meat
- Nuts
- Fish
- Flax seeds
- Beans
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Skin Nourishment
Blood helps nourish the skin by sending essential nutrients to needy cells. Consuming vitamins, minerals, and drinking enough water are great ways to maintain healthy skin.
Although vitamins have no nutritional value, they are needed to carry out bodily functions. Without proper vitamins the body would eventually shut down. When it comes to skin vitamins help heal, soften, and fight diseases. If the body lacks a certain vitamin supplements are necessary but ideally these vitamins should come from foods.
Minerals help the body carry out functions necessary for life. They are often confused with vitamins but unlike vitamins, minerals can be found on the periodic table.
Essential minerals the body needs to function include:
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Sodium
What goes into the body eventually shows on the skin. There are many foods that can help lead the way to a beautiful complexion. Eating right ensures that cells function properly and can help with other issues like stress, fatigue, and some skin disorders.
Changing the way you eat can be tough but would you try it for healthier skin?